Tuesday 10 January 2012

Welcome To Dublin!

I made it across the pond to Dublin

I barely slept on the plane, so my first day in Ireland was spent in a state of exhaustion, confusion, and slight panic.  Katie, Jordyn, and I took a taxi from the airport to University College Dublin. The driver used the phrases "brilliant and happy days" frequently.  He was super friendly and drove all around campus and even got out to ask people where Roebuck Castle is.  We found Roebuck Castle, but not where we were supposed to check in.  

We were standing in the rain with all our baggage when a kind Irish professor took pity on us, he let us stash our bags while we checked in.  The Irish people all seem really friendly, which is good because we have stopped and asked many of them for help!

When got into our apartment we realized that it is pretty awesome! I was surprised to find out that I have the handicap room.  Around the corner where I'm standing is my shower, complete with a shower seat.
Please ignore my crazy eyes...it was a looong flight.

Our next adventure involved taking a double decker bus into Dublin city center for some shopping.  We met a really nice guy (aka crazy old dude who was maybe homeless but was definitely a street performer and perhaps even a leprechaun) let us play in his band and took pictures of us.
The statue is Molly Malone, whom I sang about in Irish Dance when I was younger.

Today was spent touring campus, meeting other students, and Jordyn and I went on a run. Campus is pretty beautiful to run on, there are a lot of secret running paths through gardens and along fields.  Everything is pretty green (obviously) although I was surprised to see palm trees. 

My favorite place on campus is this bad boy, Centra.  They sell really well priced food as well as some small supply stuff, and a shitload of candy.  I love chocolate, so I love Centra.  Centra also sells $10 bottles of wine. Wine + Chocolate = happy Callan.  Enough about Centra.

Tomorrow is another jam-packed day.  So far, I am really enjoying Dublin.  I cannot wait to stop feeling like a freshman/ fish outta water and start to feel like I am really living in Dublin.  Happy days.

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