Tuesday 17 January 2012

Black Monday

I can't believe it, but i've been in Dublin for a whole week.  It seems surreal but I actually live here! For five months at least. When I think about how lost and confused I was when we got off the plane (or especially when we arrived at City Center) and how now I have a general understanding of the busses and where things are in the city I can't believe it!   

The first Monday back at class here at University College Dublin is affectionately called Black Monday. Basically everyone day drinks in the student bar all day.  Oh the Irish.

Monday we started classes. I had a very busy schedule...NOT.  I ate breakfast (yum) went for a run, went online, ate lunch (yum) went to the bar, got a drink, went to my one class, and then hung out, ate dinner (yum) and went out.   

My class had a total for 4 students registered, but only 2 of us showed up.  SO if I skip the class, it means that 25% of the class is missing. The other student was a nice guy who lives in Dublin, and we chatted before and after.  It is weird seeing so many Irish students, because for so long it was mostly Internationals!

Here are some thoughts from the first week in general:

What I'm Loving:

  • The food:  I really pray that my jeans still button at the end of this trip.  We get breakfast and dinner every day.  Breakfast is usually eggs and oatmeal and coffee. Dinner is this feast made by Kay and Eddie a husband and wife.  They know I'm vegetarian, so they always make a veggie option.  For example, tonight dinner was a vegetarian enchilada, mashed potatoes, potato poppers, steamed vegetables, salad, and cheesecake.  Oh. My. God.   Potatoes and Nutella are my life here and I'm not ashamed.(Although I may be ashamed if I develop the diabeetus)
  • Cider:  Almost as cheap as beer and delicious.  I've had many a pint and I expect many more.
  • The Greenery:  Everything here is just soooo GREEN.  It is the Ireland you imagined.  The grass is emerald.  When I run around campus I run on a path that goes past the fields and into some gardens and it is so gorgeous.  I'll take it over snow any day.
  • Making New Friends:  I feel sort of like a freshman, but it is nice to meet new people and to start a new life in a new city, if even just for a while.
What I'm Missing:
  • Family, Friends, and Maggie:  I miss my family, I miss my dog, and I miss talking to my friends all day everyday over texting.  I guess I miss texting in general! (But I especially miss the people I talk to)
  • Hockey: Be it the Buffalo Sabres or the Southtowns Stars.  I I know I could stream a game here, but I'm busy most of the times that they are on.  Must find a pub that will play a hockey game and go there with people. (And consume cider)
  •  Buffalo Food: Franks Hot Sauce, Cheerios, pizza and Mighty Taco.

A long post with not that many fun pictures I'm afraid.  

1 comment:

  1. That dinner sounds awesome! Love that you're writing regularly, even though it makes me jealous a few times a week!
