Friday 23 March 2012

Winning London

The last stop on my eurotrip was the lovely city of London. What made London extra special though, was that my best friend since the age of 3 Katie flew across the pond on her spring break from UB to come visit/go adventuring through Europe with me!  London was a very cool city, it reminded me of NYC kind of or maybe Washington DC, because it is a big city with a few touristy/landmark things to do, and then there are just a lot of cool neighborhoods and areas to explore.

Things we did in London:

New Europe Walking Tour: Yes again. The tour was great because we really got to see everything! Including Westminster Abbey, Parliament, Big Ben, and other castles etc. We also learned cool things about the history of London, and I have always been interested in the Tudors so it was cool to see things in real life.

The London Eye:  Beautiful view of London! Plus we got to do this really cool 4D experience which obviously we are all big children and loved!

Tower of London: I didn't realize how big the Tower of London was, I always pictured it just being a small tower where soon to be beheaded people hung out.  Instead it was this huge castle and they had all sorts of armor and other stuff from back in the day on display.

National Gallery: Classy. Actually it is really awesome to check out some Van Gogh and Monet casually before dinner.

The Phantom of the Opera: We got to see my favorite show at the West End. It was so amazing. We were in the last possible seats but the show was still awesome. I loved it!

Covent Garden Market: We took in some professional street performers and explored the area.

Changing of the Guard: We got to Buckingham Palace and got probably the best spot possible to watch the changing of the guard. I feel like I can sum it up in one word..."excessive." At first we were so into it with the uniforms and the marching and the band...but then a second group of guards and a marching band came up. And then they had like a marching band duel where they each played a song. It was just too much. But it obviously was still awesome.

Platform 9 3/4.

I really liked London, and if I went back I would like to explore more neighborhoods and markets.

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