Wednesday 22 February 2012

Newgrange and Trim Castle

On Saturday, Jordyn, Katie, Maggie, Tim and I went on a study abroad trip to Newgrange and Trim Castle. Newgrange is this 5000 year old tomb or something.  I didn't really know what it was (hey it was a free trip) and when we got there we sat in an auditorium in the visitors center and watched this animated film about the earth revolving around the sun.  It brought me back to my earth science days with Mrs. Fuller.  

After learning about solstices (I think) we went to see Newgrange. We actually had to take a shuttle bus to the site, and when we got there a tour guide talked about it.  It was actually pretty cool, they think it was a tomb.  It is pretty crazy to think that ancient people could architect and engineer a sturdy building that has been watertight for thousands of years. 

We got to go inside, which actually kind of freaked me out. Our tour guide turned off the lights (I grabbed Katie's hand right away) and we stood there in pitch black darkness. While I tried to remind myself that I wasn't in fact going to turn on my night vision goggles and see a bunch of zombies, the tour guide turned on a stimulator that shows how the sun light on the winter solstice comes in through the window and illuminates the chamber. It was pretty awesome, but I peaced out of the tomb as soon as the lights were back on.

We then stopped to get lunch which was soup and sandwhiches and delicious coffee.  We were freezing from the wind, so it was the perfect lunch.  After we went to Trim Castle.  

Trim Castle is unique because it has not been reconstructed. It was also featured in the movie Braveheart. Which I haven't actually seen all the way through.
We were standing outside the steps, and our tour guide asked if anyone was afraid of heights. Trying to play it cool I didn't mention anything about my actually very real fear of heights.  When nobody said anything she was like "good, because you are going to be 200 feet in the air with no floors." I almost cried.

When we got into the castle, I realized right away that living in a castle in real life back in the day was the opposite of how it looks on tv and in movies. It was NOT like Game of Thrones.  Our tour guide showed us how you could still see where the floors would have been if they had remained, and that there were no fireplaces in the original construction.  The grand banquet hall was originally on the second floor. I couldn't even imagine how gross the food would be after being cooked (sometimes outside) and then brought into the castle and up the stairs. And it must have been so cold before they installed fireplaces. 
The stairs were super narrow and spiraled at a pretty steep incline. They were called "trip and tumble" stairs, and I think it would be hard to wear a dress and navigate them.  Even though it was so awesome to see the castle, I think I'm going to stick with picturing the lives of princesses being more like in Disney movies!

After a long and exciting day, we headed back to UCD and Katie and I ate ice cream and watched say yes to the dress before going to bed early for our exciting trip to Cork and Blarney on Sunday!

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