Monday 6 February 2012

Galway Girl

This weekend was extra exciting, because I went on a trip to Galway with ESN.  Erasmus Student Network is a club at University College Dublin that does weekend trips and day trips, as well as nights out in Dublin, and is mainly geared towards International Students.  We left Friday morning, and hopped on the Paddywagon, a tour bus that took all of us (around 150 students total) on a grand adventure.

We got the party started early on the bus, and played the song Galway girl quite a few times.  We also played a little get to know you game, where we filled out a questionnaire and then read some of our answers to the bus over the loud speaker.  I was asked to read out loud what I look for in a man...

I really hope it is not too hard to find an Irish lad with these attributes to propose to before leap year!!

When we arrived at Galway we checked into our Hostel (me, Marcella, Katie, and Jordyn shared a four person room) and then we went out exploring the city.  It is much smaller than Dublin (obviously) and I was actually surprised because I think that Dublin is cleaner!

So pretty!

The first night out we went on a pub crawl through Galway, which was really fun.  We woke up bright and early the next day, and drove to the ferry for the Aran Islands.  The ferry ride was ROUGH.  I mean, people were having to get up and run outside to the railing, and the crew was passing out garbage bags.  I felt my banana in my tummy a few times but I just went to sleep and convinced myself I was fine.

When we arrived at the Aran Islands, it was pouring rain.  We had originally planned on renting bikes and exploring, but quickly went to plan B which involved hoping into a little 16 person tour van.  Katie was a true new yorker and haggled the price down for us, and in we went!

One of our friends Lauren was talking to her tour guide, and he said that there are only 2 streets on the Island, and that nobody has addresses.  The postman just knows where everyone lives!

The Islands were beautiful, and my favorite part was when we got out and hiked to the top to Dun Aengus, a fort that had a breathtaking view of the cliffs.

I still can't believe how beautiful it was, and how lucky I was to be able to see it. Simply awesome. After looking at the beautiful scenery, we stopped in The American Bar to all warm up while waiting for it to be time to take the ferry home. I spied a little something on the wall...

After the Aran Islands, we went out to a club that night.  It was a lot of fun, the club was packed.  We had another early morning, and went to the Cliffs of Moher on Sunday.  Unfortunately, there was a LOT of fog, so it was very hard to see the cliffs.

My view.  Of course I did hop the fence and create my own viewing experience.

This is the Google Image result for the Cliffs of Moher. Notice the difference!

We also stopped at Bunratty Castle, a place where my parents visited on their Honeymoon!  It was a quick stop and I had some delicious tea at a cafe.  Sunday night we arrived home, and rested a little bit. Then it was Superbowl Sunday! That night deserves its own post :)

This little seal from our trip to Howth last weekend was just too cute to not include!

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